Welcome to the AI-MetabolisMX Lab
We are an emerging research group at the National Institute of Geriatrics in Mexico City, aimed at developing cutting-edge data-driven research in diabetes and metabolism with a focus on its impact on ageing using statistical modeling, high-dimensional analysis and machine learning.
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-Data-driven metabolic subtypes: We are working on addressing heterogeneity of metabolic diseases and ageing patterns using multivariate methods and unsupervised machine learning in order to identify reproducible disease patterns with differential risk and treatment responses. Our current focus is on understanding heterogeneity of type 2 diabetes in Mexico and familial combined hyperlipidemia phenotypes.
-Low-cost metabolic risk prediction: We have developed metabolic scores aimed at providing metabolic risk prediction with higher accuracy using low-coest approaches that can be readily reproduced in primary-care settings. Our focus in on developing these tools primarily to investigate insulin resistance related phenomena, including type 2 diabetes, visceral obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
-Clinical research for pathophysiological mediation: We aim to study metabolic disease mediators in clinical research to undertand mechanisms of disease and assess potential preventive or therapeutic targets for risk prediction in Mexican population.
-Metabolic ageing: An emerging field for our research goup is to delve into undertansing the interaction between metabolic diseases, ageing and age-related conditions to address the increasing metabolic burden that faces our ever-aging population
Team Members

Lab Coordinator: Dr. Omar Yaxmehen Bello-Chavolla, MD PhD - Physician and researcher specialized in Applied Statistics interested in statistical modeling and machine learning as tools to address heterogeneity of metabolic diseases and ageing in admixed populations. Developer of the Metabolic Score for Insulin Resistance, the Metabolic Score for Visceral Fat and the SNNN Clusters tool for diabetes subgroup classification. For more details see my ResearchGate page.
Alejandro Márquez, Research Intern - Plan de Estudios Combinados en Medicina - MD/PhD Program, UNAM
Luisa Fernández Chirino, Research Intern and Bachelor Dissertation - Facultad de Química, UNAM
Call for Research Associates and Postgraduate Students
Students interested in initiating a research internship, Masters or Doctoral position are welcome to apply for a research position. We are looking for young researchers interested in statistical modeling, machine learning and its application in understanding ageing physiology and its interaction with metabolism. Any inquiries please write to oyaxbell@yahoo.com.mx
Relevant links
- Calculation of the Metabolic Score for Insulin Resistance (METS-IR)
- Wikipedia page for METS-IR
- Classification of data-driven diabetes subtypes using neural networks
- Metabolic Diseases Research Unit main page
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